Feb 12, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Record 2024-2025

School of Data Science: Academic Rules

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Academic Standing

Good Standing

Students are in academic good standing at the end of a semester if, in that semester, they meet the following criteria:

  • Complete at least 12 credits of graded coursework.
  • Achieve at least a 1.800 GPA.
  • Have no more than one grade below C-.

To enroll in a fifth semester, students are required to have passed at least 54 credits; to enroll in a seventh semester students must pass at least 84 credits.  If a student is below these credit thresholds of the fifth and seventh semester, they are no longer in good standing. Students who fall behind in the number of credits required must make up their work in the University’s summer session.

Part-time students are in good standing if they achieve at least a 1.800 grade point average for the semester.

Academic Warning

A student is placed on academic warning if they fail to maintain good standing in any fall or spring term (see the “Good Standing” section of the Record). A notation of Academic Warning is placed on the student’s advising transcript.  A student with a status of Academic Warning is expected to meet with their advisor no later than the add period of the next semester.

A student on warning shall retain such status for the following fall or spring semester. Enrollment in summer session courses does not impact academic warning status.

Students on academic warning who withdraw or take a leave of absence should submit a Return to the University eform.  Procedures for Returning to the University are described under Leaving and Returning to the University.  If approved to return, they will continue to be on Academic Warning and must attain Good Standing or face Academic Suspension by virtue of two consecutive semesters of incurring Academic Warning.

Academic Suspension

Students are subject to suspension after incurring academic warning in two consecutive semesters (fall or spring). Students under suspension forfeit commitments of financial aid.  Students under suspension may not transfer credits from other institutions toward their degree. 

Two full (fall or spring) terms must elapse before they are eligible to apply to return to School of Data Science.  Procedures for Returning to the University from suspension are described under Leaving and Returning to the University.

Readmission is not guaranteed, and students are encouraged to meet with their Student Success Advisor to determine appropriate goals to be achieved while suspended.  Application for readmission is considered upon presentation of evidence that the difficulties that led to suspension have been overcome.  A second suspension is final; a student who is suspended a second time will not be readmitted.

Class Standing

Students are categorized by class according to the number of credits they have earned at the University of Virginia as follows: first year: 0-29 credits; second year: 30-59 credits; third year: 60-89 credits; fourth year: 90 or more credits. AP and transfer credits are not included in the computation of class standing; credits not completed, taken via transfer credit, or completed unsuccessfully are not included.

Admission Requirements

Data Science, B.S.

All prospective undergraduate students apply through the School of Data Science Office of Admission.


Completion of 24 credit hours at the University of Virginia by the end of the Spring of a student’s first year, including DS 1001 and the Programming Requirement. 

DS 1001 Foundations of Data Science must be taken at the University of Virginia and completed with a grade of C- or higher.

The programming requirement may be met in one of the following ways:

  • Enrollment in DS 1002 Programming for Data Science
  • Enrollment in one of the following courses at UVA
    • CS 1110/1111/1112: Introduction to Programming
    • PHYS 1655/ CS 1113: Introduction to Python for Scientists and Engineers
  • Test credit
    • AP Computer Science A with a score of 4 or 5
    • IB HL Computer Science with a score of 5, 6, or 7
  • Passing the CS 1110 Place-Out Test
    • Students who pass the test receive a notation in SIS.  The School of Data Science encourages students to complete the place-out test in Python.  Students must be proficient in Python prior to the start of classes.

Students in any school of enrollment at the University of Virginia may apply in the Spring term of their first year according to admissions deadlines posted on the website.

Due to the curriculum sequencing and the limited number of seats in the B.S. in Data Science, only students at the University of Virginia who have just completed their first year may apply. Students who have not completed both prerequisites by the end of the Spring of their first year may not apply. Students in their second, third, or fourth year at the University of Virginia may not apply. Students transferring from colleges or universities outside of the University of Virginia may not apply. Undergraduate students who do not enroll in the B.S. in Data Science may declare the Minor in Data Science or consider the M.S. in Data Science (online and residential formats) or the Ph.D. in Data Science upon graduation.

Deferring Admission

A student admitted into the Bachelor of Science in Data Science may petition to postpone enrollment in the School of Data Science due to extenuating circumstances. Requests to defer an offer of admission will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed.

Rescinding an Offer of Admission

It is the School of Data Science’s expectation that all applicants uphold the intellectual, ethical, and professional standards of the School and the University of Virginia. By applying to the School of Data Science, students agree to abide by the principles of the UVA Honor Code and the Standards of Conduct. The School may rescind an offer of admission up until the date of matriculation for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

  • An admitted applicant fails to show satisfactory academic progress in any courses completed after receiving their offer of admission;
  • An applicant is found to have presented misleading or fraudulent information during the application process;
  • An applicant fails to follow the principles of the Honor Code and the Standards of Conduct described above.

Minor in Data Science

Current undergraduate UVA students from any school of enrollment who have declared their major in SIS may declare the minor in Data Science by submitting the minor declaration form. Students pursuing the B.S. in Data Science may not declare a minor in Data Science. 



In addition to the attendance policy in the university regulations, students are expected to attend all classes throughout the academic session as defined by the University Registrar’s academic calendar, which gives dates from start and end of session, exam week, and breaks and holidays. Grounds for excusable absences are to be arranged between the student and the instructor of the course in question; policies are typically provided by the instructor in the course syllabus. Failure by students to attend lectures and other prescribed exercises in the courses for which they are registered may subject them to penalties.

Absence from written examinations will not be excused except for sickness on the day of examination attested by a physician’s certificate or for other cause that the instructor, by special action, may approve. An unexcused absence in such cases constitutes failure of the examination.

Course Rules

Course Enrollment and Discontinuation

Students may change their class schedules via SIS. Students are responsible for being aware of the dates each semester for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a course, or for changing the grading basis of a course.  Students may not enroll in classes after the add deadline for the semester.

If admission to a course requires the instructor’s permission, students should add their name to the instructor’s permission list in SIS and wait for an invitation to join the class. Note that being on a permission list does not guarantee that a student will be offered a space in a class.

Students who decide to discontinue a course in which they have enrolled must use SIS to drop the course within the deadlines. Students who fail to revise their list of current courses by using SIS within the drop deadline must withdraw from the course. After the drop period, students may withdraw from a course in SIS with a grade of W until eight weeks from the first day of the semester. After this point, students must either complete the course or, with the instructor’s endorsement, submit a request for an incomplete. Students who discontinue a course at any point without complying with the proper procedure receive a failing grade. 

Due to course sequencing and availability, students may not withdraw from core DS courses.

A student who does not maintain enrollment during each Fall and Spring semester and does not have an approved leave of absence must apply for readmission via the Returning to the University eform, due March 1 for the fall semester and October 1 for the spring semester. Readmission is not guaranteed.

Course Load

Full time students enroll with the expectation of completing their degrees in no more than six semesters upon enrollment in the School of Data Science (eight total at the University of Virginia).  A full-time undergraduate course load is 12 credits.  An average of 15 graded credits per semester is recommended for a student to graduate within eight semesters of study.  Students may petition via an email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu to register for fewer than 12 credits or more than 17 credits each semester.  A student who completes fewer than 12 credits incurs academic warning (see Academic Standing Section).  Students in their final semester prior to graduation whose petition for a reduced course load has been approved do not incur academic probation.

In serious medical or extenuating personal circumstances and upon petition via an email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu, a student may be permitted to enroll as a full-time or part-time student in a seventh and eighth semester in the School of Data Science (nineth and tenth semester at UVA).

Part-time students are limited to a maximum of six credits per semester.  Students registered full time at the University have until the drop deadline at the beginning of the semester to request conversion of their enrollment to part-time status.

A reduced load is defined as greater than 6 credits and less than 12 credits, while part-time is defined as 6 credits or less and no more than 2 classes. Reduced-load enrollment still bears full-time tuition and fees, while part-time enrollment is paid by the credit hour. Enrolling at either reduced load or part-time requires petition via an email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu. Students seeking reduced-load or part-time enrollment should first speak with theirstudent success to ensure timely graduation and with Student Financial Services to understand impacts to their financial aid packages.

Course Sequencing

The B.S. in Data Science curriculum is designed intentionally, and courses will not be offered out of sequence. Students who wish to finish their undergraduate studies in fewer than four years should consider pursuing another major and the Minor in Data Science.

Exclusion from Classes

A student who is making no real progress in a class, or whose behavior is detracting from the class, may be excluded from that course by the Program Director with a grade of W or F. Students have five calendar days following written notification of this exclusion in which to appeal by petition via an email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu. Until the final disposition of the appeal, the student is considered enrolled in the class.

Graduate-Level Courses

Undergraduate students may not enroll in courses numbered 6000 and higher.  Undergraduate students may enroll in 5000-level courses offered in-person pending availability.

Courses Taken Outside of the School of Data Science

Students who wish to enroll in courses outside of the School of Data Science must follow that School’s deadlines for enrollment, dropping, adding, and withdrawing from a class.


Data Science, B.S.


Students are required to register for a full course load as determined by the program requirements by the stated deadline each term unless further approval has been obtained. These credit hours should come from the graded core and elective courses for the program during that term. Students must register for courses on the standard lettered scale (A through F). Audited courses and Credit/No Credit do not count toward the full course enrollment requirement. Students are limited to the credit hours as determined by the program requirements unless they have permission to enroll part-time or enroll over the course limits.

The registration process is not complete until a student has paid tuition and fees or made satisfactory arrangements with Student Financial Services.

Residency Requirement

A recipient of the B.S. in Data Science must have been in residence for three academic years in this University, and registered in the School of Data Science during the semester in which they receive a degree.  Sixty credits must be taken in residence at the University of Virginia.

Time to Degree

All work for the Bachelor of Science must be completed within eight semesters of matriculation and with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. Upon approval of a petition via an email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu, a student may be permitted to enroll in a ninth semester to complete a second major or a minor.

Degree Conferral

A student who wishes to receive their degree must apply for graduation via the Student Information System. Deadlines for degree applications are determined by the University Registrar.

The Bachelor of Science in Data Science degree is conferred by the general faculty upon candidates recommended by the School of Data Science faculty as having completed a prescribed course of study of no less than 120 credits with a cumulative grade point average of 2.000.


Students may not continue to enroll in classes after their degree is conferred unless they have been accepted to another degree program at the University.

Students whose official graduation date is December will be invited to participate in Final Exercises the following May.

Minor in Data Science


  • The completion of the Data Science minor requires a minimum of 15 graded credits. 
    • Minimum of 3 courses/9 credits must be data science courses (DS XXXX)
    • 3 credit Programming course
    • 3 credit Analytics course
    • 3 credit Systems course
    • 3 credit Data Design & Value course
    • DS 4002 or a domain elective
  • Data science courses count toward the graduation hours in any school of enrollment.
  • Students should consult with their School of Enrollment advisors and Registrar for policies on double-counting credits.

Credit/No Credit Grades

No course taken with a grading option of credit (CR)/no credit (NC) satisfies a major, minor, or general education requirement.

Students may request permission from their instructor to take a course for credit (CR)/no credit (NC) in place of the regular grades A through F for a given course. The instructor has the right to deny permission to take the course on a CR/NC basis. If this occurs, students may either change back to the regular grading option or they may drop the course entirely if it is within the University’s add/drop or withdraw period.  A student can indicate the grading option in SIS upon registering for the course and no later than the add deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm with the instructor the minimum academic level of achievement for the grade of CR.

The academic performance of a student in each course taken for a grade is recorded as one of the following grades: A+, A, A-; B+, B, B-; C+, C, C-; D+, D, D-; F. All courses intended to fulfill program requirements must be taken for a letter grade.

Effective for Fall 2022 

University-wide disruption. Student had option to select CR/GC/NC grading rubric.  

Credit (CR) – CR awarded for a grade of middle C or higher and meets all degree requirements. CR does not affect GPA. 

General Credit (GC) – GC awarded for passing grades below C (including C-, D+, D, or D-) and meets any degree requirement that can be satisfied by a passing grade below C. GC does not affect GPA. 

No Credit (NC) – NC awarded for a non-passing grade (that is, F). NC does not earn credit or meet any requirements and does not affect GPA. 


Due to the small size of classes, data science courses may not be taken on an audit basis.

Grade Changes

Errors in calculation or transcription are the only acceptable reasons for a grade change. Grades cannot be changed after a degree is conferred, or more than one semester following the end of the course, whichever comes first. Instructors must submit a grade change eform in SIS.

Incomplete and Missing Grades

Refer to the University Record for the policy on incompletes.  The School of Data Science uses the following procedures for requesting and approving an incomplete: 

An incomplete grade (IN) is a temporary grade that may be given at the instructor’s discretion to a student who needs additional time to complete a class due to extenuating circumstances.

An IN does not affect the GPA and is replaced by the final grade, which is submitted by the instructor after the student completes the work no more than thirty days following the end of the course. If the final grade is not submitted by this deadline, the grade of IN converts to an F.

Instructors are not authorized to extend the time for completion of course work without the Associate Dean’s approval. If an IN is warranted, the student should submit a Request For An Incomplete Grade (Undergraduate Student) eform.  If the course instructor approves, the instructor establishes the required deliverables with due dates and forwards these terms to the student for a signature showing acknowledgement of the terms.

An IN is an appropriate option for a student if they:

  • have completed approximately 75% or more of the work for the class.
  • are not failing the class.
  • have consulted with the instructor and have a viable plan to complete the coursework within the allotted time frame.
  • only plan to request an incomplete for one course (for students enrolled part-time), or two courses (for students enrolled full-time load). Students requesting more than these based upon their enrollment are required to meet with their Student Success Advisor.
  • do not currently have an incomplete grade from a prior semester.

Transfer Credit

If a course taken elsewhere and transferred to the University prior to matriculation in the School of Data Science is repeated and passed at the University, the repeated course appears on the student’s transcript, the grade earned is included in the grade point average, and the credits earned will count toward the 120 required for graduation.  The course taken from the original institution will still appear on the transcript but is excluded from the total number of cumulative degree credits.

Credit awarded as “X000T” credit will not count towards fulfillment of any general education requirements.

Students under suspension may not apply transfer credits from other institutions toward their degree.

Prior to enrolling in a course from another institution, students may request permission via email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu to receive transfer credit for elective coursework. If a grade of C or better is earned along with prior approval received as outlined above, the credits will be added as transfer credit.

Test Credit

For more information on credit received based upon specific scores on various tests, consult the table found in the section on Admission in the general University section of this Record.

Final Examinations

Students are not permitted to take a final examination before its regularly scheduled time. When genuinely serious conditions exist, students may petition via email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu to be allowed to postpone a final examination until later in the exam period or after the regular exam period. Students with exams in three consecutive periods may take one of them at an alternative time by petition via email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu thirty days before the last day of classes for the term. An unexcused absence from a final examination results in an automatic F in the course.

Intra-University Transfers

A student who completes one or more semesters in the School of Data Science and wishes to return to their initial school of enrollment must apply as an Intra-University transfer student and follow that school’s policies and deadlines prior to the start of the semester.

Leaving and Returning to the University

Further Information on Withdrawal 

For further information about voluntary withdrawal, medical withdrawal, and enforced withdrawal, see the University Regulations section of this Record.

Due to the lock-step curriculum, required courses may not be offered every semester, resulting in delayed graduation if a student withdraws or is on leave for a term.  Direct questions about financial aid impacts as well as tuition and fees for withdrawn students to Student Financial Services.

Leave of Absence

Students should consult “Leaving and Returning to the University” in the University Regulations—Academic section of this Record for policies that govern their absence from the university.  The University withdrawal form is located on the SIS Student Self Service page menu under eform.  The form is titled Leaving the University (Leaves, Withdrawals, and Transfers). 

  • Leave of Absence is an action students can take after the completion of a semester, indicating that the student plans to be away from the university for at least one semester.
  • Withdrawal is an action students can take during the semester. All registered courses will show a W, indicating withdrawal. If a student withdraws within 60 days prior to the starting day of the next semester, the student may not attend the University during that semester. For example, withdrawing during the fall term in December precludes a student from enrolling in J-term and spring semesters, and the student may apply to reenroll (see below) for the summer and/or fall term. 

Application for reenrollment from a leave of absence or withdrawal must be made using the Returning to the University form on the SIS Student Self Service page menu under eForms. Refer to the Reenrollment section below for additional information.

A student who wishes to suspend full-time study temporarily may request approval via an email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu to undertake a leave of absence. Leaves are approved for a full term or academic year, with a student eligible for up to two years of leave cumulatively. Students taking such leave may normally return only in the academic semester that follows the last completed semester (e.g., a student who takes a leave after the fall semester, third year, must enroll in third-year courses in a subsequent spring semester). A student on an approved leave may under certain circumstances purchase health insurance during the first twelve months of the leave but is otherwise ineligible for financial aid and the use of University facilities. A student must affirm their intent to return from leave at least 60 calendar days before the end of the leave.

Medical Withdrawal

Due to significant medical reasons, a student may need to withdraw from the semester.  A student may withdraw for medical reasons at any point in the semester.  In addition, students who return after a medical withdrawal must be cleared by Student Health and Wellness (see Readmission below).  In very unusual medical circumstances, documented by a health professional, a student who did not withdraw during the semester has one semester in which to petition for a retroactive medical withdrawal.  If approved, all grades convert to W’s and the student is obliged to be absent for a full semester before resuming full-time study.

Majors and Minors

Declaring a Major/Minor

Upon matriculation to the BSDS program, a student’s school of enrollment shifts to the School of Data Science. It is only possible to declare a second major with another program in the College of Arts and Sciences or the Youth and Social Innovation program in the School of Education and Human Development.  The deadline to add a second major or minor is December of a student’s fourth-year.

In pursuing a second major, students do not receive two degrees from the University.  They receive a B.S. in Data Science.  Concentration, major and/or minor status is reflected on student transcripts.

Students are responsible for completing the major or minor form from the appropriate department and for obtaining the signature of the chair or director of that program. Forms must be submitted to the Registrar of the School of Data Science to be accurately reflected in the Student Information System.

Students in the Schools of Engineering and Applied Science, Commerce, Nursing, and Batten School cannot declare a second major in the School of Data Science. The School of Data Science will only be listed as a student’s first major.

Repeated Courses

No courses can be repeated except as specified in the University Regulations on Repeated Courses in the Undergraduate Record . DS 4022 Final Project may be repeated twice. Repeated courses, whether under the same course number or not, may not both be counted for degree credit.

Simultaneous Counting of Courses and Cross-listed Courses

One course may simultaneously meet two requirements; it may also satisfy general education requirements.  Courses taken to fulfill general education requirements may be counted toward a first or second major or toward a minor.

Petitions, Appeal and Grievances

Petitions may be submitted in writing via SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu for exceptions to the School of Data Science program policy.

Grade appeals or grievances must be submitted in writing via SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu before the last day of add/drop for the next term (fall or spring).

Students are expected to follow complaint or grievance processes set forth in applicable University policies, including but not limited to those regarding:

  • Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment
  • Preventing and Addressing Retaliation
  • Standards of Conduct
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities
  • Student Sexual Misconduct

For situations not otherwise directly addressed in University policy, students should attempt to resolve concerns or conflicts by working directly with a faculty member or the program director. Conflicts or concerns that cannot be resolved to the student’s satisfaction should be discussed with the Associate Dean of Academic and Faculty Affairs of the School of Data Science.

Readmission and Reinstatement

Students who wish to return to the University after a suspension, a withdrawal, or an unapproved absence from the University must be formally readmitted. Applications for readmission are not guaranteed.

Students should consult “Returning to the University” in the University Regulations—Academic section of this Record for policies that govern their readmission to the University.  Students may file for readmission through the Student Information System (SIS).  The Returning to the University eform is due March 1 for the fall semester and October 1 for the spring semester.  Students will be notified of the decision.  For readmission following a medical withdrawal, students should also follow the steps outlined by the Department of Student Health and Wellness  https://www.studenthealth.virginia.edu//.

A student who voluntarily withdraws from the program or otherwise ceases to enroll for a period of up to two academic years and wishes to resume enrollment must petition via email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu for reinstatement at least sixty days in advance of the next registration period. A student who has been absent for longer than two years must petition to return via email to SDSRegistrar@virginia.edu. 

Study Abroad

The School of Data Science encourages its students to pursue education abroad outside of the Fall or Spring terms, as the B.S. in Data Science curriculum sequences courses intentionally each semester. Consult the International Studies Office for opportunities to study abroad in January Term, Spring Break, and Summer.  Refer to the Transfer Credit section of this Record for transfer policies.