Feb 12, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2023-2024 
Undergraduate Record 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

McIntire School of Commerce: Academic Rules, Regulations, and Information

About    Academic Rules Degree Programs     Courses    

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Admission Requirements


Information on admission considerations, frequently asked questions, admissions timelines and the application for the undergraduate program can be found on the McIntire School’s website. Before entering the McIntire School of Commerce, you must complete a minimum of 54 credits at UVA (including accepted test credits, transfer credits, and courses taken at UVA), including the following courses:

First Writing Requirement1 - 3-6 credits 

Artistic, Interpretive, & Philosophical Inquiry1 - 3 credits

Statistics: STAT 2120 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis - Credits: 4    

Calculus: MATH 1190 - A Survey of Calculus I with Algebra_ Credits: 4  or MATH 1210 - A survey of Calculus I - Credits: 3  or MATH 1310 - Calculus I - Credits: 4   or higher level - 3-4 credits

ECON 2010 - Principles of Economics: Microeconomics_ Credits: 3  

ECON 2020 - Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics_ Credits: 3  

World Language2: Completion through 2020 level - 0-14 credits

For more information on the prerequisite courses, including Frequently Asked Questions and advising recommendations, see https://www.commerce.virginia.edu/undergrad/prerequisites

1First Writing, Artistic, Interpretive & Philosophical Inquiry requirements as defined in the http://Record, College of Arts & Sciences. World language requirements as defined in the http://Record, College of Arts & Sciences. After admission, foreign language prerequisite courses may be completed by transfer during the summer before enrollment with prior approval, but must be completed before entering the School.

Prospective students at other colleges or universities who wish to transfer to the McIntire School should consult the http://records.ureg.virginia.edu/content.php?catoid=52&navoid=4102#McInt_School section as the prerequisites differ slightly.

Deferring Admission 

A student admitted into the Bachelor of Science in Commerce may petition to postpone enrollment in the McIntire School due to extenuating circumstances. Requests to defer an offer of admission will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are not automatically granted.

Rescinding an Offer of Admission

It is the McIntire School’s expectation that all applicants uphold the intellectual, ethical, and professional standards of the School and the University of Virginia. By applying to the School, students agree to abide by the principles of the UVA Honor Code and the Standards of Conduct. The School may rescind an offer of admission up until the date matriculation for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

  • An applicant fails to successfully complete any program prerequisites;
  • An admitted applicant fails to show satisfactory academic progress in any courses completed after receiving their offer of admission;
  • An applicant is found to have presented misleading or fraudulent information during the application process;
  • An applicant fails to follow the principles the Honor Code and the Standards of Conduct described above.

Academic Advising


All new incoming students are assigned an Academic Advisor from the Office of Student Services and Academic Operations. These advisors support students’ navigation of the general Commerce curriculum including concentration and track requirements, course enrollment and selection, and final degree completion. Students are ultimately responsible for their academic schedule and degree requirements.

Academic Standing


Academic Probation

A student will be placed on probation for the following fall/spring term if he or she:

  1. passes fewer than 12 credits; OR
  2. earns less than a 2.000 grade point average in any fall/spring semester; OR
  3. carries fewer than 15 credits of graded work per semester without permission.

A student on probation shall retain such status for one semester and must achieve a 2.0 semester grade point average to be removed from probation. Students are not removed from probation by attending summer school. Students placed on probation for work completed in the fall/spring semester preceding graduation will not be allowed to graduate.


Suspension involves enforced withdrawal from the University and may be issued whenever a student:

  1. passes fewer than nine credits or earns less than a 1.800 grade point average in one semester; OR
  2. incurs probation for two consecutive semesters; OR
  3. incurs probation after a suspension.

Suspension normally lasts for one academic year; one full fall term and one full spring term must elapse before the student may request readmission to the University. Students under suspension may not apply transfer credits from other institutions toward their degree.

Readmission is not automatic and students are encouraged to meet with the Associate Dean for Student Services and Academic Operations of the McIntire School to determine appropriate goals to be achieved while suspended. Application for readmission is considered upon presentation of evidence that the difficulties that led to suspension have been overcome. The application for readmission is to be submitted to the Undergraduate Program Rules Committee through the Associate Dean by March 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester. A second suspension is final; no student who is suspended a second time will be readmitted.

Appeals from Students


Request for Exception to the Academic Rules Committee - Petitions

Students may appeal/request exceptions to the stated rules and regulations of the Commerce School with regard to enrollment, grades, or other general academic policies. Students who believe there is a valid reason for requesting an exception must petition the Undergraduate Program Committee. Petition decisions are subject to the discretion of the Undergraduate Program Committee and are final once communicated in writing to students.


If the outcome of a petition could alter a student’s academic status (e.g., academic probation or suspension), students must submit petitions at least 10 days prior to the start of the next full academic term (fall/spring).

Awards for Academic Excellence


Dean’s List

Students who pass at least 15 credits of graded work in the semester with a GPA of 3.75 or above will be placed on the Dean’s List of Distinguished Students. Courses taken on a CR/NC basis may not be counted toward the 15-credit minimum. Any student receiving an F or NC during the semester is not eligible to be on the Dean’s List.

For additional information regarding the impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic for Dean’s List please visit the University Regulations: Academic page .

Diploma with Distinction

Diplomas inscribed with “distinction” are awarded to undergraduate Commerce students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.8 or higher based on all graded coursework completed while enrolled in McIntire.

Temporary Policy Regarding Courses Taken during COVID: Students who have earned more than 6 credits of GC and/or NC in any course are ineligible for distinction.

Curricular Requirements


It is the philosophy of the McIntire School of Commerce that students should be broadly educated to deal with the complex issues of the business community and society at large. The school’s program is designed to increase students’ skills and build upon previous knowledge. In order to effectively achieve program goals, the school requires that students be enrolled full-time for two academic years and complete a minimum of 57 credits. Students are also required to complete all core, concentration, and elective Commerce courses at the McIntire School of Commerce or via an approved McIntire study abroad program. In addition, students must earn a minimum of 60 credits at the University of Virginia. A degree program must be completed in four academic semesters. Exceptions to this policy must be submitted to, and approved by, the McIntire Undergraduate Program Committee.

Students in the third-year curriculum are required to be enrolled in 15 graded credits their first semester. A student may register for three more credits than were passed the preceding semester, up to 21 total credits.

Fall Integrated Core courses (COMM 3010, 3020, and 3030) serve as pre-requisites for spring courses (COMM 3040 and COMM 3050) and all fall courses must be successfully completed (i.e. earning a passing grade) in order to enroll in spring core courses.

Course Rules



Students are expected to attend all lectures and other prescribed activities of the courses for which they are registered. Although the course instructor sets course attendance requirements, any student who is absent from more than 50 percent of the lectures may automatically receive a grade of F in that course.

Consistent with the UVA Undergraduate Record, unless otherwise notified by the instructor, students enrolled in all Commerce School undergraduate classes are required to attend every scheduled class and to arrive on time prepared for the class. If you are unable to attend class for any reason,you must notify your instructor in advance of the class. In courses where class participation represents a portion of the course grade, the instructor has complete discretion to assign the class participation grade that s/he decides is appropriate. Faculty may drop students from their class with notification who are not in attendance on the first day of the semester.

Audio and Video Taping and Distribution of Class Materials

The general policy of the McIntire School is to prohibit audio and video recording of classroom lectures and discussions. Audio and video recording are only allowed under special circumstances (e.g., students with documented disabilities) and only with the prior written permission of the instructor.

Any audio or video recording or all other class materials handed out in class or posted to websites such as Blackboard, or Collab may not be exchanged or distributed for commercial purposes, for compensation, or for any other purpose other than study by students enrolled in the class. Public distribution of such materials may constitute copyright infringement. Unauthorized use of class notes or recordings may subject an individual to University Honor, Judicial charges, and/or legal action.

Changes in Schedule

Typically students have 2 weeks to add and drop courses after the start of the semester. Add/drop/withdrawal changes in students’ class schedules are made via SIS. Commerce students may withdraw from non-commerce courses though SIS based upon University deadlines and Commerce hour requirements.  Students may not withdraw from 3000 or 4000 level Commerce courses.

Course Completion

Commerce students may not take 4000-level COMM courses prior to satisfactory completion of the fall Integrated Core Experience (ICE, or COMM 3010, COMM 3020, and COMM 3030) except with instructor permission.  Non-Commerce students may not take 3000- and 4000-level COMM courses prior to their third or fourth year, except for COMM 3410, GCI courses, and other courses restricted to non-COMM students.

Course Restrictions

Courses taken on a Credit/No Credit basis and any courses offered through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies do not satisfy any McIntire degree requirements.

Exclusion from Classes

Any student who is making no real progress in a course may, at any time during the semester, be excluded from the course (with a grade of F) by the Dean upon recommendation of the course instructor.

Repeating Courses

No course, once passed (D- or better), can be repeated to improve the recorded grade.

Degree Information


Credit Requirements

Students must earn 120 credits for the Bachelor of Science in Commerce. Of these:

  1. 48 credits must be in Commerce courses, including:

          9 Prerequisite Credits: COMM 1800, COMM 2010 and COMM 2020

         24 ICE & COMM Law Credits

          9-12 Concentration Credits

          3-6 COMM Elective Credits

     2. 57 Non-Commerce Credits

     3. 15 credits may be in either Commerce or non-Commerce courses.

Students must earn 120 Total Credits (60 plus credits must be taken at UVA, plus 57 credits taken after enrollment at McIntire)

3rd Year: Must be enrolled in a minimum of 15 graded credits each semester.

4th Year: Must be enrolled full time a minimum of 27 graded credits.

Any student carrying fewer than 15 credits is not eligible for the Dean’s List.

Grade Requirements

Students must achieve at least a 2.000 grade point average for:

  1. all course work completed;
  2. all course work within the concentration;
  3. all Commerce courses;
  4. course work taken during the semester immediately preceding graduation. This semester must be completed in good academic standing (see Academic Standing).

Final Examinations


Students are not permitted to take a final examination before its regularly scheduled time. When genuinely serious conditions exist, students, with consent of the course instructor and approval of Dean’s Office, may be allowed to postpone a final examination until later in the exam period or after the regular exam period. Customarily, McIntire has allowed students faced with exams in three consecutive periods to take one of them at an alternative time. Unexcused absence from a final examination results in an automatic F in the course. 



Grading Basis Changes in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Spring 2020. To review the grading basis change information please Click Here .


Commerce courses may not be taken on an audit basis.

Credit/No Credit Grades

After enrollment in McIntire, both degree seeking and non-degree seeking students, may only take courses CR/NC on an overload basis (i.e., above the minimum semester graded course load requirements – 15 per semester 3rd year and 27 total 4th year for degree seeking students). CR/NC classes may not be used to satisfy any McIntire requirements except the 57 non-commerce requirement and the 120 total hours required for graduation. Commerce courses may not be taken on a CR/NC basis, except in the rare case when a commerce course section is offered only as a credit/no credit grade for all students enrolled in that section.

Grade Appeals

Students wishing to appeal a grade in a Commerce course must first try to resolve the issue with the course’s instructor. That appeal must be in writing and submitted to the instructor at least two weeks prior to the start of the next full academic term (fall/spring). Absent a satisfactory outcome, the student may submit a written appeal to the McIntire Grade Appeals Committee (MGAC), who will review the matter and make a final decision on the appeal’s status. Appeals to the MGAC must be submitted at least five business days before the next full academic term starts (fall/spring).

Course grades can be appealed for the following reasons: error in grade calculation error in transcribing a grade in the Student Information System, or deviation from the grading practices stated in the course syllabus.

Students who have questions about the grade appeal process or who wish to discuss any classroom issue may contact the Associate Dean for Student Services of the McIntire School. Grades cannot be changed after a degree is conferred.

Grade Changes

No grade may be changed after it has been submitted to UREG (University Registrar) without the approval of the Dean. The Dean is not authorized by the faculty to change a grade submitted to UREG (University Registrar) except when an instructor certifies that, because of errors in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade has been submitted. Instructors must submit grade change forms via the Student Information System (SIS). Grades cannot be changed after a degree is conferred, or more than one semester following the end of the course, whichever comes first.


The symbol IN (incomplete) is used when additional course work is required or examinations need to be taken in order to fulfill the requirements of the course. A student may not request an IN in an attempt to raise his or her grade. An IN automatically becomes an F thirty days after the final examination date, unless work in the course is completed satisfactorily within that time or arrangements have been made with both the Associate Dean for Student Services and the instructor for work to be made up later.


Typically students enrolled in the McIntire School of Commerce have 2 weeks to add and drop courses after the start of the semester. Students may not withdraw from 3000- and 4000-level Commerce courses. Withdrawal from 1000- and 2000-level Commerce courses is allowed based upon University deadlines (typically eight weeks from the first day of the semester) and hour requirements. Commerce students may withdraw from non-commerce courses through SIS based upon University deadlines and Commerce hour requirements. Add/Drop/Withdrawal changes in students’ class schedules are made via SIS.

Intra-University Transfers


Transfer Back to the College

Students who have been accepted for transfer from the College to McIntire School of Commerce that wish to reverse the process and return to the College, may do so before the beginning of the semester. Once the semester starts, they remain enrolled as students in McIntire and apply as an Intra-University Transfer student. A student who completes one or more semesters at McIntire and then wishes to return to the College must apply as an Intra-University Transfer.

Leaving and Returning to the University


Enforced Withdrawal

Students may be forced to withdraw from the University for habitual delinquency in class, habitual idleness, or any other fault that prevents the student from fulfilling the purpose implied by enrollment at the University. Students who are forced to withdraw during a given term will have the notation “Withdrawal Date: MM/DD/YYYY” entered on their permanent academic records following the semester in which the action occurred. A grade of W (withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. Students who have been forced to withdraw must apply for readmission to their dean’s office in the same manner as suspended students. A grade of W cannot be changed.

Leave of Absence

Upon successful completion of any semester in the McIntire School, a Commerce student may take a leave of absence for a one year or two years by meeting with the Associate Dean for Student Services and Academic Operations and filing a leave of absence request.  Students taking such leave may normally return only in the academic semester that follows the last completed semester (e.g., a student who takes a leave after the fall semester, third year, must enroll in third-year courses in a subsequent spring semester). In order to leave, withdraw, or transfer, students must complete the “Leaving the University” (Leaves, Withdrawals, and Transfers) form which can be found on the SIS Student Self Service page in a box on the lower right titled eForms.

Medical Withdrawal

Applications for withdrawal for medical reasons must be made in writing to the Undergraduate Program Committee (UPC) prior to the last day of the final exam period of the semester in which a student is requesting a withdrawal. Requests to withdraw must be approved by UPC prior to a student leaving the university and are final after communicated in writing to the student.

If approved for a withdrawal, students then complete the SIS Leaving the University form to finalize the withdrawal process. Once finalized by UREG, a grade of W (withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. Generally, students must take the following semester off before returning to the University (e.g., student who withdraw from the fall semester, may be eligible to return the following fall semester.) Subsequent medical review and recommendation from the Department of Student Health and Wellness is required for readmission. A grade of W cannot be changed.


Students who wish to return to the University after a suspension, a withdrawal, or an unapproved absence from the University, must be formally readmitted to their last school of enrollment. Applications for readmission are not guaranteed. 

Applications must include a statement from the student that (1) addresses the student’s readiness to return to the University in light of any serious difficulties during his/her most recent enrollment (e.g. financial, medical, personal hardship), and (2) outlines the student’s academic plan for his/her remaining semesters.

Readmission depends upon a student’s status at the time of leaving the McIntire School. Students taking such leave may normally return only in the academic semester that follows the last completed semester (e.g., a student who takes a leave after the fall semester, third year, must enroll in third-year courses in a subsequent spring semester). Students having at least a 2.000 average in the McIntire School, who are making satisfactory progress toward their degree, may return in the appropriate semester as stated above. Students with less than a 2.00 average or who have not been making satisfactory progress toward their degree (e.g., they have not completed or passed courses required at the level attained when they requested the leave of absence) may be required by the Associate Dean for Student Services of the McIntire School to attend the University’s summer session to take prescribed courses before re-enrollment.  Applications for readmission must be approved by the student’s academic dean, the Department of Student Health (if applicable), the Office of Student Financial Services, and the Office of the Dean of Students.

Any student who wishes to be readmitted must submit a Returning to the University request to the Associate Dean for Student Services and Academic Operations of the McIntire School by March 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester.  Students who have received a withdrawal notation on their transcript for two consecutive academic terms (not including Summers Session of J-Term), regardless of the lapse in time between the two terms, may not apply for readmission to the University for two years.  In addition, students should consult “Returning to the University” in the University Regulations—Academic section of this Record for policies that govern their readmission at the University.

Voluntary Withdrawal

Students may withdraw from the University before the conclusion of a semester with the following conditions:

  1. Students under the age of 18 must give notice to their parents or legal guardians of their intention to withdraw. Evidence of this notice must be provided at the time of withdrawal.
  2. Applications for withdrawal must be made in writing to the student’s Academic Dean’s office and must be approved by the Dean.
  3. Undergraduate students may withdraw from the University before the conclusion of a semester, specifically up to the last day of the final examination period.
  4. Student may specify on the “Leaving the University” form whether their request to withdraw is for medical reasons. Students approved for withdrawal for medical reasons will need medical review from the Department of Student Health before they will be approved for readmission to the University; this medical review may take up to three weeks in addition to any deadline set by their school, so students should apply as early as possible when they wish to return to the University.
  5. Students who withdraw from the University voluntarily will have the notation “withdrew (date)” recorded on their permanent academic record. Students who withdraw will receive a grade of W in their courses. A grade of W cannot be changed.

In order to leave, withdraw, or transfer, please complete the “Leaving University” (Leaves, Withdrawals, and Transfers) form, which can be found on the SIS Student Self Service page in a box on the lower right titled eForms. A student who withdraws for reasons of ill health must obtain medical clearance from the Department of Student Health prior to re-enrollment. A Commerce student who withdraws during the first semester in the McIntire School (fall semester, third year) will not be guaranteed readmission to the school.


Majors and Minors



Students may concentrate in two disciplines, in which case the requirements for both must be satisfied.  Generally, a single course may not be counted simultaneously for credit in dual concentrations.  However, students concentrating in finance and accounting may count COMM 3110 toward satisfying requirements for both concentrations.  However, the credits may not be double counted toward the 120-credit degree requirement.  The McIntire School of Commerce, due to resources, can guarantee the fulfillment of only one concentration, but will work to assist students wishing to pursue dual concentrations.  There is no triple concentration. Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average in all concentration courses. Any Global Commerce Immersion (GCI) concentration course taken prior to enrollment may count toward the concentration and Global Commerce Track but will not count toward the 39 Commerce credits after enrollment.


Commerce students may pursue one major and/or one minor in the College of Arts & Sciences or other UVA school outside of Commerce. Students may not declare two minors, but they may declare a major and a minor. Prior permission must be obtained from the Chair or Director of undergraduate programs of the department in which the student is seeking the major or minor. 

In pursuing the above, students do not receive two degrees from the University. They receive a B.S. in Commerce.  Concentration, major and/or minor status is reflected on student transcripts.

Students are responsible for completing the major or minor form from the appropriate department and for obtaining the signature of the chair or director of that program. Forms must be submitted to the Registrar of the McIntire School, who monitors the satisfactory completion of requirements.

Commerce courses may not be used to satisfy requirements for more than one major or minor within the Commerce School.


A track is a specialty area of study crossing over multiple disciplines. Courses taken to satisfy track requirements can also be used to satisfy concentration, minor, or major requirements. Commerce students may complete up to two tracks if course scheduling allows this flexibility. Due to resources, the McIntire School cannot guarantee the fulfillment of tracks. Students must maintain 2.0 grade point average in all track courses.

Study Abroad


To study abroad in a Commerce course or program, students must be in good academic standing and have a cumulative GPA at the University of no less than 3.000 at the point of application to study abroad. Application to study abroad does not guarantee placement; acceptance may be based on criteria beyond minimum cumulative GPA.  Commerce students wishing to apply to a semester abroad program must meet with a McIntire Global Programs advisor within Student Services and Academic Operations for academic advising.

A wide range of programs exists that allow students to study abroad for a full semester and satisfy Commerce degree requirements. Students may study abroad in the spring semester of the third year or either semester of the fourth year; students are not allowed to study abroad in the fall semester of the third year. Students who do so in the spring semester of their fourth year should be aware that graduation may be delayed pending the transfer of credits. Regardless of timing, students completing a semester abroad program must be enrolled full-time at the host university (third year students: at least 15 credits; fourth year students: at least 12 credits).

Courses taken at the host university must be taken for a grade and be pre-approved for transfer credit. Grades in courses transferred for Commerce credit will be converted if necessary from the original grading system, appear on the University transcript and count toward the cumulative GPA. Students may transfer courses that fulfill concentration (up to 3 credits per concentration) or track requirements with prior faculty review and approval.

Study abroad courses not transferred for Commerce credit must be passed with the equivalent of a C or higher to earn transfer credit. 

Transfer credits from no more than one McIntire-approved semester abroad program will be included in the McIntire 57-credit residency requirement. In addition, all students must fulfill the University’s residency requirement (i.e., at least 60 credits on Grounds at the University).

Third year students may satisfy spring core course requirements (i.e., COMM 3040 and 3050) as follows:

  • An additional 3 credit hours per concentration must be taken from an approved list either at the host university during the time abroad (if available) or at McIntire during the fourth year.

  • At least 9 of the 15 credit hours taken at the host university must be upper-division business courses that do not duplicate the fall core courses. Those business courses approved to be transferred, but not applying toward a concentration will be transferred as general business electives.

Global Commerce Immersion (GCI) short-term McIntire-led courses may also satisfy a concentration or track requirement but do not count toward the 39 Commerce credits minimum requirement if taken during the first or second year. (Further restrictions are noted on the Course Planning Guide.) 

Transfer Credit


External Transfer Credit for New Students in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Spring 2020. To review the criteria that will be used to evaluate external transfer credits earned during Spring 2020 please Click Here .

Credit toward a degree is allowed for approved work completed in another college or university upon presentation of a satisfactory transcript of record. The School of Commerce grants transfer credit based on an analysis of the content, level, and comparability of the courses taken, the applicability of the courses to the student’s intended major and degree program, the quality of the student’s performance in the course, and the accreditation of the institution at which the course work was completed. However, no credit will be given for a required upper-level Commerce course unless the course is taken in the McIntire School or an approved McIntire study-abroad program. In no case will the total transfer credit granted toward a degree in the McIntire School of Commerce be more than 63 credits. Students must earn a minimum of 60 credits at the University of Virginia. No adjustment of transfer credit for prior course work will be made after the first semester in the school. (See Transfer Credit in the University Regulations section.) Students wishing to transfer credit for course work taken after enrollment in the school must receive prior approval from the Registrar. Students under suspension may not apply transfer credits from other institutions toward their degree. (See Suspension) In general, credit will not be granted for:

  1. work completed with grade lower than C;
  2. business courses beyond the elementary courses in accounting and principles of economics; or
  3. more than one credit of physical or health education courses.